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Contact Us

Before sending an enquiry, and to receive our best attention and service, please note the following points.

The main purpose of this website is to give you access to information from our private document collection and small library.

We are not an official body, nor a professional genealogical search facility. We can put you in touch with professional searchers  if you wish. One service we recommend can be found at Scottish Genealogical Research

When sending an enquiry, please ensure that you have provided us with all the necessary information, so that we can give you as helpful a reply as possible.    The less detail you provide, the less we can properly respond to your enquiry.

Where feasible, we will try to give you information via Email completely free of charge. However, in most cases, copying   documents, or sending Email attachments such as document images, will normally incur handling and postal charges.

No part of our collection is for sale.

For information on Prices view here    

 For information on Payment view here 


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Full address and postal details will be given when you place an order, or whenever required.



Date last modified: Tue 09 Nov 21